Approved Dinitrol Centre – Rust Protection

It's a fact, nearly all cars rust!

Corrosion is a heavily underestimated problem, especially in modern vehicles. In fact, rust is damaging to various vehicle components, which continue to be made of steel, and rapidly leads to the degradation of safety in the vehicle. Rain, gritting salt, condensation, mechanical wear and inadequate basic rust protection during assembly are the leading causes of rust and pose a real risk to every vehicle.

If you want to keep your car going for a long time or are looking for that edge when it comes to selling, you should give it some love with professional corrosion protection. As well as ensuring increased safety, the reliable sealing of cavities and underbodies also maintains the value of a vehicle in the long term.

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The Dinitrol Corrosion Protection System

Sooner or later, you will have to deal with rust. It corrodes the value of your vehicle and poses a risk to yours and the vehicle’s safety. That’s why Dinitrol have developed a system that optimally protects all the most important areas of a vehicle. The DINITROL double-layered corrosion protect reliably seals any cavities and the vehicle underbody. We turn hazards into safe zones.

Our products seal off every nook and cranny, even in the smallest of spaces. In order to optimally protect all the relevant components, cavity sealing is followed by a second step, in which all seams and folds are effectively penetrated to protect even the smallest gaps against corrosion. Now there is no chance for water to pool. Our products have outstanding surface tension to protect edges and overlaps.

All treatments come with a guarantee and a free 12 monthly free inspection. Any areas that have been chipped are reapplied to give you peace of mind that your vehicle will be rust free and protected for years to come. Do not hesitate to contact us for a price and availability.

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Our Process

The process is straight forward but labour intensive when done well. For any vehicle we recommend 5-7 days for a proper treatment with sufficient drying time between applications, although depending on the time of year this can vary.

Rust Prevention Process Jet Wash

1. Jet Wash & Steam Clean

Our process starts with an industrial jet wash to remove any surface grime, then we follow up with a deep steam clean and chassis degrease.

The chassis is then blown with compressed air and left to dry completely both internally and externally. Some trim is removed for access and some areas masked for protection.

2. Rust removal & DINITROL® RC900 application

Next step is to remove and treat any rust found. Surface rust is removed and the underlying area treated with DINITROL® RC900 that turns rust on your Land rover Defender substrates into a stable organic iron complex.

Dinitrol DINITROL® ML cavity wax is then applied internally to your chassis to provide a reliable and trustworthy rust protection system.

Dinitrol - Waxoil chassis check Land Rover Defender
Dinitrol Chassis Protection

3. DINITROL® 4941 sealant application

The final stage is applying an underbody sealant with excellent sound deadening properties to your Land rover Defender. DINITROL® 4941/Car black underbody coating provides protection against stone chips.

The black PVC coated layer ensures the underbody of your Land rover Defender is no longer exposed to the weather including surface rain water and water Ingres.

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Peace of mind

Chassis protection is also an investment. We are able to provide approved Dinitrol documentation of your treatment as well as stage by stage and photographic evidence to be used if do you ever decide to sell your vehicle.  

We also offer a free annual chassis check and yearly top-ups to ensure your chassis protection really lasts.  

Dinitrol is not only for Land Rovers

Although we specialise in Land Rovers and Defenders in particular, as an approved Dinitrol service centre we are of course able to protect any car or chassis. Don’t hesitate to contact us to book your vehicle in for inspection.

For a Defender Prices start at £750 + VAT dependent on the chassis (90/110) and of course, condition.

All other vehicles can of course be protected. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Talk to an expert

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss Rust Proofing your vehicle, please get in touch and one of our experts will be glad to help…